How We Define a Session

A session is a group of user interactions with your application that takes place within a given time frame. a single session can contain multiple screen views. You can think of a session as the container for the actions a user takes on your site. Sessions can occur on the same day, or over several […]

Export Data and User Explorer

Export Data Screen Export Data feature help you to find the most valuable users to draw up a strategy according to them. You can set detailed filters for a list you get. The list’s subjects are advertising IDs (or IDFA), you can find data about details per user that are specified below: Ad Revenue In-App […]

Cohort Analysis

Cohort Analysis gives you the option to segregate this group of people according to the acquisition date, country or apps under the same publisher account. You can set Min Cohort Size while grouping for convenient analysis. For example, while choosing country type cohort, you want to see minimum 100 people downloads from X country, so […]

Retention Analysis

Retention Analysis provides an information about how much users retain since the day installed between a time interval. For a selected time interval, for day 0 retention of users is 100% and you can see how much of them still there for the second day, the third day and so on. The critical point while […]

User Acquisition

User acquisition screen helps you to find out downloads, user continuity, and revenue from users between dates that you chose. You can see download per country and cumulative data summary, and also you can compare revenues between countries. Admost Analytics user acquisition graph shows new users, retained user and revenue for an app, bringing a […]

Analytics Tool & Utilization

Using analytical app tools is an extremely important part of the guarantee that your app is a success, it helps you to better understand and analyze your audiences. Analytics can provide up-to-date information on broad shades of different variables and helps app owners to prospect strategy for the next step. Admost Analytics is the first & only […]